Майстри Напрямок

Paper cutting

Lyudmyla Protsenko
Lyudmyla is a master from Kyiv. She works creatively in several areas of folk arts: vytynanka, pysanka ornamenting, folk doll. This master’s handiworks, vytynankas in particular, were many times used for decoration of the capital’s stages during different art events.
Lyudmyla Safo
Lyudmyla is a master from Vinnytsya region. She implements her ideas in vytynankas and reflects in stone lumps...
Dariah Alyoshkina
Dariah is a sculptor and a vytynankar from Vinnytsya region. She works with stone, wood, metals, ceramics and paper. The master creates her works without any sketches – realizing her ideas, thoughts and mood in the materials.
Yaroslava Halkun
Yaroaslava is an artist from Lutsk. Beside her attraction to painting and graphic arts, she creates different anecdotal vytynankas. Themes of her works are connected with Ukrainian culture, customs, mythology and relations between the man and the universe.
Oksana Horodynska
Oksana is occupied in the study and popularization of folk art. She works as a pysankar, vytynankar and embroidery master. Painting is the main genre of the artist’s creative work. She is occupied in modeling of national costumes and is interested in weaving.
Andriy Pushkaryov
This Dnipropetrovsk artist works in several different genres of art (painting, graphic art, miniatures, vytynanky, pysanky) as well as writing essays about the fine arts...