Olexiy Trachuk

Olexiy Trachuk

Head of the “Kolo-Ra assosiation”, for ten years Olexiy together with his associates has been reconstructing from ordinary clay the best finds of the Trypillya times and making souvenirs from them. Besides, they conduct complex archeological expeditions together with the Archeology Institute belonging to the National Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.

Creative work

Olexiy reproduces from clay archeological Trypillya finds aged V-IV thousand years BC. They are men’ and women’s shapes, ceramic tableware and ceremonial ware painted with ancient symbols and signs; different statuettes with carved or painted ornaments.
Through his occupation, Olexiy Trachuk seeks and finds connections of the Ukrainian people with Trypillya culture, looks for evidence and confirmation of theories existing in archeological digs – because finds are messages that do not burn.

  • жінка Трипілля
  • вироби трипільської доби
  • праматір Трипільська
  • Трипількі вироби
  • фігурка жінки
  • Трипільскі вироби Коло Ра
  • вироби Коло Ра
  • біноклевидна фігурка
  • трипільська корова
  • трипільські символи
  • Олексій Трачук
  • трипільські вироби