Natalya is a master of embroidery from Cherkasy region. She makes copies of ancient rushnyks, shirts; reproduces original ornamental compositions as patterns in electronic formats; investigates embroidery in its every manifestation.
This master has an inherent ability to feel the beauty of the Ukrainian folk embroidery with all her heart and to reflect it in the ornaments of inlays, tea-cloths, pictures, rushnyks, shirts, belts, doll clothes, children’s ceremonial clothes and garments for baptizing.
The main purpose of her work the master sees in the widening of knowledge about the history of embroidery development; in search and expeditionary work; in reproduction of ancient rushnyks, shirts, in the enhancement of technologies of old embroidery seams; in the investigation of ethnic and linguistic contents of the Ukrainian rushnyks and shirts; in the study of the experience of embroidery masters and organization of exhibition activities.
An innovation in the Natalya Mamchur’s
is the reproduction of Uman rushnyk patterns in electronic formats by means of PM Stitch Creator 2.0 software (for cross-stitch embroidery). This activity is a priceless contribution to the preservation of authentic ornaments used for embroidery of rushnyks at East Podillya. It is worth mentioning that Natalya Mamchur has already prepared for printing the first issue of the album of colored patterns (the album is called “Ancient rushnyks of Uman region” and contains more than 50 patterns). At present, the work continues at further issues of albums containing ancient rushnyks and shirts.
The handiworks of the master’s collection number up to several tens of items; she also was a participant of many exhibitions.
Exquisite esthetic taste and creative skills of Natalya Mamchur are demonstrated in the shirts embroidered for the participants of “GONTA” folk band who were prize-winners in many international and Ukrainian contests in national creative arts.