The master is occupied in decorative textiles and works in their different areas: gobelins (she has invented an original technique – weaving on glass), woven accessories (namely bags), woven clothes; rushnyks, banners. She also works at theatricals in the frames of Ukrainian medieval culture festival “Tu stan!” (sometimes interpreted as “you stand here”). In her creative work Myroslava is based on the traditions of different periods of the Ukrainian art: Ukrainian baroque, Kyiv Rus, Scythian art, Trypillya.
Creative work means constant search for Myroslava, it’s a search for sense and contents; a search for possibilities of their expression in works; search for unexpected effects and impressions in the implementation process and techniques. Here’s how the artist experimented with thread and glass:
— At some moment during the working process I wanted to underline the characteristics of weaving (its softness and “textility”) by means of contrasting properties of glass (its transparency and cold glitter). These experiments resulted in a series of works created in an original non-traditional way. A characteristic feature here is that open-work weaving is performed from the both sides of glass leaving some of the areas empty. This gives the work an impression of spatial perspective.