Among the works of this embroideress from Ternopil there are a lot of those in which different embroidery techniques are combined: “pads”, chain stitch, catch stitch, hack weaving, counted satin-stitch, cross-stitch, open work, shtapivka, “nightingale eyes” (combination of four small squares made in counted satin-stitch with a tiny opening in the center), double (Bulgarian) cross-stitch. This list can be continued.
At the dawn of her creative work Lyubov Onys’ko used to embroider tea-cloths of different shapes, rushnyks (national towels), pillow-cases, pictures and carpets. Later she became interested in more complicated works made by using different embroidery techniques and of more extensive color palettes, such as pictures of large sizes, men’s shirts, women’s chemises, costumes, dresses, runners, rushnyks, tea-cloths and bags.
Embroidering her handiworks and rushnyks in particular, Lyubov uses ancient symbols: geometrical and vegetative motives, symbols of the Earth, Water, Sky and the Sun.