This master is a real keeper (berehynya) of Ternopil embroidery tradition. Since 2005 she has been the head of a creative association bearing the same name. A lot of well-known local embroideresses belong to it. Together, they take part in different festivals; experiment with embroidery and revive ancient ornamental patterns.
At the dawn of her creative work the master used to embroider runners, tea-cloths, rushnyks, pillow-cases, pictures and carpets. Later she became interested in more complicated works with employment of different embroidery techniques and large color palette – in particular, large pictures, men’s shirts, women’s chemises, dresses, runners, rushnyks and tea-cloths. Seven years ago she started to embroider using white thread on white background in difficult embroidery techniques – “pricking out”, open-work, “zenrony vyvid” (meaning “grains” – diagonal lines consisting of small outline squares), “chicken wade” (a special kind of catch stitch).