This Dnipropetrovsk artist works in several different genres of art (painting, graphic art, miniatures, vytynanky, pysanky) as well as writing essays about the fine arts. He has worked with patterns on paper since the age of 13. Much of his creative work in the 1980s involved vytynanky and pysanky; he later organized his own schools of the vytynanka and pysankarstvo.
This master from Dnipropetrovsk is regarded one of the best vytynankars in Ukraine. In his work he unites the art of the vytynanka with graphic arts, making his works special and unique. The main themes addressed by the artist in his work are the kozaks, Trypillia, paganism and orthodoxy. In the 1990s he started his own schools of vytynankarstvo and pysankarstvo. He is currently building a museum of the vytynanka.